Spanish Analyze and Symbolize


Spanish Analyze and Symbolize


Item #G3SP

Now your Spanish students can analyze passages similar to those in our Analyze and Symbolize English version

This set of 23 masters provides a simple format for students in Spanish classes to apply the classical Montessori grammar symbols to staged passages. Just as with Analyze and Symbolize in English, the Spanish phrases begin with articles, adjectives, and nouns, then become sentences with verbs and prepositions.

Each page in this set includes a group of Spanish phrases or sentences (usually 7 to 8) with space above to allow for symbolizing using a grammar template. Also included in the series are several delightful review sheets, and a worksheet for the student to provide his or her own words for the parts of speech as extra practice.

While many of the sentences are the same as in the English version, we have changed a number of sentences due to the differences between English and Spanish in sentence structure, use of words, etc.

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